After a rigorous judging and interview process and with the help of film industry leaders, Rathaus Films has chosen the winner to receive $10,000 and runner up to receive $5,000.

Winner Jofre Beltran will use the $10,000 to produce CITY, NO MOTOR, an anthology film inspired by Detroit and those who navigate the city without a car. Incorporating Detroiters who wait at bus stops, that ride their bikes and those on foot, the film is about where these people fit in the future identity of the city, and also where these people fit on the roads and alleys of a city that was not built for them.

“After speaking with Jofre about his film CITY, NO MOTOR, it was clear that his passion for his idea served as a reminder of why we started Rathaus in the first place - to support and nurture our creative ambitions as a collective when no one else would. To chase ideas that seemed too crazy to achieve and to do it by any means necessary. We are very excited to support Jofre's venture into feature filmmaking with this grant and hope to help keep his fire burning throughout the process.” – Shabier Kirchner, Rathaus Films Co-Founder.

Runner up Paige Wood will use the $5,000 towards previsualization of MORTAL (HOT COMB)AT a 2D, animated short film that follows a young Black teen as she fights against her overbearing mother to win control over her choice of hair-style in an all-out salon brawl. As an anime-esque love letter to anyone who has ever had to hold their ears while getting their hair done, MORTAL (HOT COMB)AT is a comedic take on what it means to be silk-pressed off, while sincerely exploring themes of autonomy, independence, and the inevitability of growing up.

"MORTAL (HOT COMB)AT strikes a chord with its bitingly funny and deeply relatable story about a teenage girl challenging societal expectations and reclaiming her hair in a battle against her mother and a hot comb. This film is a brilliant love letter to black women, our hair, and anime - and we are thrilled to support Paige Wood as she brings her vision to life." - Diana Peralta, Director and Rathaus Film Grant Jury Member.

Beltran and Wood will receive mentorship from the Rathaus jurors and filmmakers to provide guidance during the project development: Alexandra Byer, Shabier Kirchner, Inney Prakash, Diana Peralta, Cedric Cheung-Lau, Lara Sfire and Kevin Steen. These mentors will provide personalized guidance to equip the winner with valuable insight, industry knowledge and advice to further refine their work and foster their growth.

Executive Produced by: Gretchen Valade

2023 Grant FAQ: LINK